A very short note.
It happened that I needed to investigate one validator perfomance issue. And it seemed that issue related to slow storage perfomance. I needed to change a Persisten Volume StorageClass to a new one,
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: fast-ssd
provisioner: ebs.csi.aws.com
type: gp3
iops: "16000"
throughput: "1000"
but that requires a Pod restart with a new EMPTY Volume attached, that causes a significant downtime. But then I discovered that I can change volume type, througput and ioops in the AWS Console
To locate Volume, you need a “volumeHandle”, that can be listed by the following script:
for i in $(kubectl get pvc -o name); do
volume_name=$(kubectl get "$i" -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}')
volume_handle=$(kubectl get pv "$volume_name" -o jsonpath='{.spec.csi.volumeHandle}')
echo "$i $volume_handle"
Then you can change IOPS and Througput for testing. 👋